The skincare resolutions we should all be sticking to in 2019

The skincare resolutions we should all be sticking to in 2019

Jan 09, 2019Martyn Pearson

Start 2019 as you mean to go on - the skincare resolutions we should all be sticking to this year!

1. Take off makeup at night

This simple tip is the holy grail of all skincare experts, however, after a busy day at work or a night on the tiles, it’s all too tempting to slack on the makeup removal.

Cosmetics trap oils and can result in spots and blemishes, and at night your skin needs time to breathe.

We recommend using a multi-tasking product such as a cleansing oil or a cleansing moisturiser such as STEAMCREAM, to not only cleanse and cut through that mascara but to also moisturise in one go- saving you both time, money, and allowing you a few more precious extra minutes in bed.

2. Clean your makeup brushes

We are all guilty of leaving our brushes a little longer than we should. Bacteria love brushes- all that skin, oil and makeup are like a funfair for those pesky guys, and using bacteria-ridden brushes can result in spots and skin infections. Wash your brushes on a monthly basis, spritzing regularly throughout the month with an antibacterial brush cleanser to keep bacteria at bay.

3. Care for your skincare products

Natural skincare products need a little bit of TLC to ensure that they remain in the best condition. Try not to keep moisturisers in steamy bathrooms where bacteria can easily spread, and instead keep in a cooler darker place such as a bedroom.

Also, ensure that your hands are as clean as possible before dabbing into a pot of moisturiser to reduce the amount of nasty’s left within the tub.

4. Moisturise straight after showering

This is a top tip that is easier said than done- especially in the cold winter months- however moisturising straight after showering really does help your skin to retain even more moisture. Start now, to reap the rewards when summer finally arrives.

5. Go bare faced at the gym

It doesn’t take a scientist to work out that makeup + sweat = spots. Whilst working out, your skin produces excess sebum and moisture that can get trapped under thick makeup, blocking pores and resulting in acne. Going bare-faced at the gym might be daunting at first, however stick with it and your skin will thank you for it in the long run.

6. Exfoliate

The best way to kickstart your skins renewal process by exfoliating your skin twice a week. As we grow older, our skins natural process of renewal slows down meaning that we need to give it an extra helping hand in removing old skin.

7. Treat your self

Go on a spa weekend, treat yourself to that facial, get your nails done and have a massage. A little treat every now and then goes a long way to making you feel good- and when you feel good it shows on the outside!

8. Back to nature

As with food, fresh and natural is best – so when starting on that new year’s detox regime why not kick-start your skincare routine too? Opt for natural moisturisers cleansers and oils wherever possible- natural ingredients such a jojoba oil have a greater natural infinity to your own skin's oils so your skin feels moisturised, balanced, and there is a less chance of it getting clogged.

9. Love your hands

Our hands get a bit of a beating. Exposed to cold weather, constantly bust and chipped away at by manicurists, take some time to love your hands on a daily basis. Invest in an oil-rich moisturiser that contains almond oil to help to strengthen your nails and apply a thick layer of hand cream before bed to give your hands the treat that they deserve.

10. Be happy!

Someone once said that “A smile is the best makeup a girl can wear…” and it’s true. A smile goes a long way- brightens up your face and leaves you feeling happy.

We would like to wish all of our loyal STEAMCREAM customers a happy and smiley and rewarding 2019! Stay steamy!

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